Advertise on WBTC The Club Internet Radio!



Blaine’s Travel Club® is dedicated to helping our Official Business Partner attract new guests & generate repeat business for a stronger and more loyal customer base, and now with the launch of our Retro Random Radio, WBTC The Club, When Music Was Good, And You Were So Bad, we can now add Members-Only Radio Advertising to the list.

If you're not already an Official Business Partner, not to worry, it's easy to Join The Club!, so you can take advantage of this exclusive members-only advertising program.

Currently we're streaming WBTC The Club to Canada and the United States, with plans of streaming to other countries in the not too distant future.

Official Business Partner Branded Radio Spot
60 Second Spot $24.00 per play* plus 20¢ per listener
30 Second Spot $12.00 per play* plus 10¢ per listener

Official Business Partner Co-Branded and/or Retro Radio Spot ★★★★★
60 Second Spot $12.00 per play* plus 10¢ per listener
30 Second Spot $6.00 per play* plus 5¢ per listener
You'll receive half price Radio Spots, if you submit a retro radio spot and/or your radio spot promotes Blaine's Travel Club, in any way, like stating your company is proud to be an Official Blaine's Travel Club Business Partner, or you're giving away Travel Points, offering VIP Flash Coupons, VIP Loyalty Cards, honoring VIP Party Passports or you're offering any of our outrageous Membership Rewards Entertainment, Parties, Games, Events, Charitable Fun-razors and Social Experiments!

Traditional Radio Stations can only estimate how many people, living within the power of their radio signal, could possibly hear your Radio Spot at any given time, and with busy lifestyles those numbers are probably depressingly lower!

Now with internet streaming radio stations, like WBTC The Club, we can detect exactly how may devices (WBTC The Club apps & pop-up players on phones, desktop/laptop computers, tablets, Alexa Skill, etc.) are connected to the station at any given time, with each connection counting as one (1) listener, but there could always be more listeners per device, giving you additional listenership for Free and more bang for your advertising buck!

Each month Retro Random Radio, WBTC The Club will send you a Proof of Play .pdf file showing you exactly when your Radio Spot aired and how many listeners heard it!

Currently all internet streaming Radio Spots will randomly play across WBTC The Club's entire broadcast area, just like our music, but I'm looking into Geolocation Advertising, where an advertiser could request their Radio Spot to air at a specific time in a requested Time Zone, and at a specific radius around a requested location (IE: Wednesday at 5:00 pm EST, 225 Miles around Atlanta, GA, USA).

If you have any questions, or would like to start your members-only advertising campaign, click the button below and enter your Company Name, Contact Person and Contact Information, and we'll help you get your Radio Spots on the air ASAP.



Contact Us!




let me help you create advertisements exclusively for our vips to hear!
Blaine's Travel Club has been designed, from the very beginning, to become a close-knit community of Businesses & VIPs working together to help each other grow, prosper, and be entertained, no matter where you travel!

The more businesses that Join The Club!, and the more Travel Points Hot Entertainment, Parties, Games, Events, Charitable Fun-razors and Social Experiments they add to their weekly business plans, will create more things for Blaine's Travel Club VIPs to do, and in return generate more income for them.

It's a Win-Win!

If you have any questions, (1) first check the below, if you can't find the answer there, (2) click on the and ask it there, or (3) ask me via my email address on the left.


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Sorry! I got drunk and peed my pants! ... please check back later!


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From the Mysterious Minds of Blaine Klingaman ™
Copyright ©1995-2025 Blaine's Travel Club®, LLC