Blaine's Travel Club® Charity Partners








7 innovative and entertaining fun-razors that perpetually generate money for your favorite charity!



When I began developing the concept behind Blaine's Travel Club I knew that I wanted to create a way to give back to the community through some sort of Fun-razing Events.

I also knew that anything that I came up with had to be outrageously fun and participatory, rather than just dropping money in a bucket! I believe that when you're having an outrageously good time and receiving rewards for your generosity, you'll probably forget it's a donation and inadvertently give even more!




The 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organizations listed below have agreed to join Blaine's Travel Club as an Official Charity Partner. I have vetted each one to make sure that they have been legally authorized as a non-profit organization through the U.S. Internal Revenue Service!



How to register your Charity!






Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Joining the Charity Partner List will help Official Business Partners of Blaine's Travel Club find the perfect charity that they want to help raise money for!

To register your 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization as an Official Blaine's Travel Club Charity Partner, simply click on the button in the bottom right corner of this page , then...
  • Enter your Charity's Name & Web Address!
  • Enter your Contact Person's Name, Email, or Phone Number!
  • Enter the Area that your Charity is allowed to accept money from, IE: United States, a specific State or Province, or Worldwide, etc.!

  • Send a digital copy of your IRS Determination Letter, to

  • ...or, if you like, request an appointment and I will visit your office to answer any questions and register your charity in person!
That's a very nosy question, but I'm glad you asked!

Any Official Business Partners of Blaine's Travel Club, Nightclubs, Bars & Retail Business, may choose to use any of our 6 Innovative & Entertaining Fun-razors to attract new guests and generate repeat business for a stronger and more loyal customer base, while razing money for their favorite charity!



...have all been designed to raise money exclusively for your Charity. Click on each logo to see how each Fun-Razor works!
Yes, of course you may, here are a few options!

become an independent traveler!
Your 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization may join Blaine's Travel Club's® Travelers Affiliate Program, and as an Independent Traveler be directly involved in finding locations to raze money exclusively for your charity!

Sign Retail Businesses, Bars or Nightclubs into your team and you'll receive a 10% Social Security Commission Check for all the Business Building Services they purchase in my Travel Points Gift Mall & Redemption Center.

Blaine's Travel Club® was created to help Retail Businesses, Bars & Nightclubs attract new customers and generate repeat business for a stronger & more loyal customer base!

Since people love saving money & being entertained, I've created the following Business Building Services... NOTE: Before you begin, you must first decide if your volunteers will help find business members on your behalf, or if they may join your team as an Independent Traveler and sign Official Business Partners of Blaine's Travel Club into their team.

The only difference is, if they are helping on your behalf, you get 10% Social Security Commissions, but if they become an Independent Traveler on your team, you will only get 5% Social Security Commissions and they will get 10%.

But, the good news is, since they will be on your team, you will continually receive 5% commissions from all businesses that they sign into their team now & forever into the future, even if they stop volunteering with your Charity or move out of town!

purchase a franchise!
As a Franchise Owner, you own your business and may place it wherever you wish, in as many Official Business Partners of Blaine's Travel Club as you like, and have more control over the amount of funds that you raise in order to continue your excellent work!

  • Hot Lips Body Shot Charity Challenge = 40% of the profits goes to the Franchisee (your Charity) & 40% of the profits goes to your Charity!

  • Sexhibition = 100% of the profits goes to the Franchisee (your Charity)!

  • Angel's Kiss Casinos = 35% of the profits goes to the Franchisee (your Charity) & 50% of the profits goes to your Charity!
Of course they can, plus it will be so much fun!

Encourage them to volunteer their time during any Official Blaine's Travel Club Fun-Razor that's raising money exclusively for your Charity. If somebody asks about your Charity during a Fun-Razor, they will be knowledgeable enough to describe it and it's mission.

Your Volunteers may become a Fallen Angel and... If you Charity should become a Independent Traveler...
Social Networking, flyers, business cards, word-of-mouth, advertise (free!) on my internet radio station, "Retro, Random, Radio, WBTC The Club, When Music was Good, and you were so Bad", to name a few!



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From the Mysterious Minds of Blaine Klingaman ™
Copyright ©1995-2025 Blaine's Travel Club®, LLC