Blainesville Route 180 - It takes a village to turn a life around!











it takes a village to
turn a life around!


Each homeless person has their own story of how they ended up on the streets. For those who wish to turn their life around, I want to help them write a positive new chapter of their life!
-- Blaine Klingaman, Founder Blaine's Travel Club



To help homeless people, the solution is not to just give them money, but to give them hope, encouragement, guidance & the tools they need to earn their own money!

"Blainesville Route180 Program" will be a unique 24 Month Six-Step Program, that will help residents regain their self-confidence and worthiness as they move forward to becoming a self-reliant individual. And here's my concept...



phase 1:

Earning an income and re-learning how to save and spend it wisely!

I encourage any Blaine's Travel Club® Travel Ambassador (affiliate) who wishes to help someone, to go out and meet some homeless people and when you find the one who's story captures your heart, and you feel safe & confident around them, offer to give them the guidance they need to help them turn their life around!

Arrange to pick them up and meet once a week at Blainesville, (State name) Route 180 Cafeteria or a pre-authorized, WiFi ready, Coffee Shoppe or Restaurant owned by one of our Official Blaine's Travel Club Business Members, for a free drink and meal, so you can get to know them better through conversation.

Bring your laptop to help them find a job online, contact their lost family, and/or show them how becoming a Travel Ambassador, will help them earn their own money, by signing a Bar or Nightclub into their downline and getting them to include Retro Happy Hour Costume Dance Party in their weekly entertainment schedule!

This is the easiest, fastest, and most consistant way to earn money, while they live on the streets! They will receive a $100.00 social security commission check each month from each bar that you help them sign-up, and you as their mentor will receive a $50.00 social security commission check as well!

Encourage them to check out our Travel Ambassador Income Calculator, where they may set their own financial goal, and easily reach it using The Law of Attraction!

As soon as a Blainesville, (State name) Route 180 Resident is financially ready, they may move on to Phase Two.





Some homeless people are fortunate enough to have acquired a job on their own, but keeping it sometimes proves to be difficult, IE: getting a good nights sleep, having an alarm clock to wake up to, transportation to get to work, always having clean clothing and keeping one's personal hygiene on point, any of these could be the cause for termination! And here's my solution...



phase 2:

A safe, clean, comfortable place to stay!
(This is a conceptualisation. Final concept may differ!)

As a RideShare Driver, I travel all over Atlanta and I see many empty shopping centers and malls. My wish is to acquire one, either through donation or a reasonable 99 Year lease, name it "Blainesville, (State name) Route 180" and turn it into a multi-use facility for homeless people transitioning back into society.

available to residents:
  • Communal Showers & Toilets
  • Living Accomodations
  • Move-in Grooming Makeover
  • Hair Salon & Barber Shop*
  • Second-Hand Clothing Store*
  • Job Bulletin Board
  • Group Talks-In-The-Round
  • Bank or Credit Union
  • Convenience Store*
  • Cafeteria*
  • Computer Lab
  • Movie Theater*
  • Therapists
  • Financial Advisors
  • Help applying for IDs, SSI, etc.
  • Laundry Room
* Each transitioning resident, will be given a "Residential Card" giving them 50% Off all the paid amenities listed above.

this is a 24 month, six-step program:
  1. Personal Income, Street Donations/Travel Ambassador Commission Checks.

  2. Rent a personal Living Tube for only $5.00 per night.
    (Limited stay = 2 Months)

  3. Rent a Mini Home for $15.00 per night.
    (Limited stay = 4 Months)

  4. Rent a Mini Home w/Bathroom for $25.00 per night.
    (Limited stay = 6 Months)

  5. Rent an off-location Apartment sponsored by Blainesville Route 180 Program.
    (Limited stay = 12 Months)

  6. Graduate by moving into their new residence, completing the Blainesville Route 180 Program.

to start, we are in need of:
  • Vacant Shopping Center or Mall with Bank.

  • Cash Donations, Office Furniture & Supplies

  • Donated Used Clothing & Household Goods

  • Donated New, Overstocked Clothing & Merchandise Direct From Manufacturers
  • Seeking Financial Institution as Tenant of Bank

  • Donated Canned, Fresh & Leftover Prepared Food

  • Donated Lumber & Building Materials and Supplies

  • Volunteer Therapists, Carpenters, Retail Clerks, Cashiers, Servers, etc.

Please leave your contact information, and what you might offer!





travel ambassador's important message!


Blaine Klingaman
@ Blaine's Travel Club
Atlanta, Georgia 30324
United States


This is the start of the Travel Ambassador's Message

If you have any questions, (1) first check the below, if you can't find the answer there, (2) click on the and ask it there, or (3) ask me via my email address on the left.


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Sorry! I got drunk and peed my pants! ... please check back later!


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From the Mysterious Minds of Blaine Klingaman ™
Copyright ©1995-2025 Blaine's Travel Club®, LLC