Blaine's Travel Club®



generate additional
income while you drive!







become an official






As an Independent Business Owner, you drive people from Point A to Point B to generate your income! Now you can supplement your supplemental income by becoming an Official Blaine's Travel Club Travel Concierge and in no time you'll be Making (more) Money & Fun! Our Social Security works!

Your riders are seeking Discounts, Free Stuff!, Rewards Points, Outrageous Entertainment, Games, Events, Social Experiments and Great Shopping Experiences! With Blaine's Travel Club App they may access our complete list of Official Blaine's Travel Club HotSpots, to see who's doing what, when & where!

Our HotSpots wish to build a stronger and more loyal customer base, and to do so, are giving away Discounts, Free Stuff! and valuable Travel Points for your participation in raising money for charity and an assortment of Outrageous Entertainment, Games, Events, Social Experiments and Great Shopping Experiences, through our Travel Points Rewards Program!

As you can see there's a mutual attraction between your Riders & our HotSpots, so, as a Traveler it's only natural for you to play matchmaker, generating more ride requests and income for yourself!

Generate supplemental income by building your downline! As an Independent Traveler, you'll want to seek out Retail Businesses, Bars & Nightclubs wishing to attract new customers, build repeat business for a stronger and more loyal customer base. Convince them to join your team and create their own Travel Points Rewards Program, and by giving away Travel Points, will draw Hot VIPs to their door, like a magnet!

The more HotSpots you have on your team and the more Outrageous Entertainment, Games, Events and Social Experiments they each add to their weekly business plan will exponentially generate more Travel Points given away, resulting in a larger Social Security Commission Check for you each month!

At the end of each month, each Official Blaine's Travel Club HotSpot in your network will pay for the Travel Points that they gave away, generating you a 10% Social Security Commission Check from their Cash Purchases!

This includes, but is not limited to, the Cash Purchases made by any Blaine's Travel Club VIP or HotSpot in your network; Travel Points, Gift Mall Purchases, The Traveler Self-Promoting Tip Box, VIP Loyalty Cards, VIP Flash Coupons, VIP Party Passports, Bandwidth Usage Fees, Affiliate Marketing Materials & Supplies, Blaine's Travel Club Franchises & Fees, etc.

To make it easier for you and get the conversation started, we've created The Traveler Self-Promoting Tip Box that gradually changes color, giving the cab of your vehicle a colorful disco-like party glow!

It comes complete with a Tip Box, Personal Device Charging Station, Candy Box, 250 Tri-Fold Brochures, 250 Two-sided Income Cards (Seeking Travelers! and promotion for your company, IE: Drivers Wanted!) & 250 Business Cards promoting your Blaine's Travel Club Home-based Business, all printed with your Personal Traveler Link:


Consider making your vehicle an Official Blaine's Travel Club Mobile HotSpot, and as a business member, give Travel Points to your riders as a Thank You for riding with you! This will create a lasting impression and generate more repeat ride requests!





Atlanta, Georgia, USA -- At Blaine's Travel Club® we take pride in helping our VIPs, Very Intelligent Partiers, find Amazing Shopping Experiences, Discounts, Free Stuff, Outrageous Travel Atmospheres with rewarding Entertainment and Games, but we’re also concerned for their safety and well-being while doing so.

To resolve our concerns, we decided to develop our own Rideshare Service and we’re calling it, Very Intelligent Partier Rides, VIPR for short -“viper”

We're only a few months away from our official launch, so I want to get a head-start collecting names & contact information of interested independent contractors that would like to become a VIPR Designated Driver & Traveler so they may earn up to Five (5) Income Streams!

If you're already driving for another company that's OK, I'd love to hear from you as well. Click the Contact Us! button below, select "Become a VIPR Driver" and enter your information in the text box. Thanks!


Contact Us!


If you want to become a VIPR Designated Driver, but VIPR isn't available in your hometown just yet, you have the power as a Traveler to develop a strong VIPR Strike Zone and bring VIPR to your town!

To develop a VIPR Strike Zone, you and other Travelers simply visit Companies, Retail Businesses and Nightclubs & Bars in your hometown and convince them to join your team as an Official Blaine's Travel Club Hot Spot and Authorized VIPR Pick-UP Spot so they can build their business with the help of our Business Building System!

Each month you will receive a 10% Social Security Commission Check for the Blaine's Travel Club Business Building Services that your business members use and pay for, and then whenever VIPR goes live in your hometown, you may begin making a second stream of income as an Official VIPR Designated Driver!

NOTE: Before an area can become an active VIPR Strike Zone, it must have at least 25 Authorized VIPR Pick-Up Spots registered within a 10 mile radius.


If you're on the fence about driving for VIPR, test market VIPR and see what your current riders think! I'll send you Two (2) Free VIPR Window Stickers to help get the conversation started.

Print out some VIPR Partytown Giveaway Cards or have your cards personalized with your referral link printed on them and some VIPR Brochures.

If any of your riders ask "What's VIPR", hand them a VIPR Brochure and VIPR Partytown Giveaway Card. Give them some time to look over the brochure, and then ask them their opinions.

Before your riders get out of your car, recommend that they visit the VIPR website for additional information and to enter and nominate their hometown in the VIPR PARTYTOWN GIVEAWAY, to help bring VIPR to their area!

Click the Contact Us! button below and select Send Test Market Stickers! and then enter your Name, Email Address, and in the Comment Box enter your Mailing Address and within 36 Hours I'll mail your VIPR Windshield Stickers out.

NOTE: Print the VIPR Brochures, Two-Sided on bright white laser paper and print the VIPR Partytown Giveaway Cards, front & back on white Avery 5371 micro-perforated business card stock.


Contact Us!

  • VIPR is a unique rideshare service with a sense of humor, caring and community, giving back however we can!

  • VIPR is not a stand-alone rideshare company, it's a service of Blaine's Travel Club® adding value to our brand by safely transporting our VIPs to and from our Official Blaine's Travel Club Hot Spots.

  • Our VIPR Designated Drivers are also Travelers, who are helpful and knowledgeable of what's happening within Blaine's Travel Club®, and as a collective, working hard to grow it everyday!

VIP-Riders may choose their three favorite drivers and lock them into their rider's account so whenever they need a ride, and if any of their favorite drivers are on duty, they may select the one they want. This will build a strong Rider-Driver Relationship with a strong feeling of familiarity, trust and safety!

I not only want to offer affordable, safe & reliable rides but want to reward our riders for using my service. So, I'm giving VIP-Riders 100 Travel Points for every $1 Spent on Every Ride, redeemable for any of the thousands of quality products found in our Travel Points Gift Mall & Redemption Center.

Every Year, one week before a VIP-Rider's birthday, I will add a Birthday Ride Credit to their VIPR Account, good for up to 25 Miles, that they may use From or To their Birthday Celebration or wherever they wish to go and they may invite as many friends as there are available seats in the Snake!

VIPR will be marketed directly to our Official Blaine's Travel Club HotSpots, by our Travelers and VIPR Designated Drivers, and when they agree to become an Official VIPR Pick-Up Spot I'll share a 5% commission with them on every ride originating from their business address!
  • The Official VIPR Pick-Up Spot may keep the 5% Commission.
  • I can add it back into their VIPR Business Account as a VIPR Ride Credit.
  • I can donate their Commissions directly to the Charity of their choice!

Independent Travelers may become an Authorized VIPR™ Designated Driver if they choose, and may generate up to a total of five (5) streams of income...
  • Drivers will receive income as a driver, obviously!
  • Drivers will receive 200 Travel Points for each ride they give, redeemable for any of the thousands of quality gifts found in our Travel Points Gift Mall & Redemption Center.

  • Optional: Become an Independent Traveler through Blaine's Travel Club Travelers Affiliate Program and you’ll have the opportunity of developing your own VIPR Zone! In your spare time, sign-up retail businesses, bars & nightclubs into your downline as an Official Blaine’s Travel Network Hotspot & VIPR Pick-Up Spot and you’ll receive 15% Commissions on all their Business Building Services spending, such as Travel Points, VIP Flash Coupons and VIP Loyalty Cards!

  • Optional: Earn additional income by placing digital VIPADS displays, from Blaine’s Branding, on the headrests and roof-top of your vehicle.

  • Optional: If you drive an all-electric vehicle, VIPRgreen, we’ll give you an additional 1,000 Travel Points (value $1.00) for every ride you give, not to exeed 50,000 Travel Points (value $5,000) per year, for five years. Travel Points are redeemable for any of the thousands of quality products found in our Travel Points Gift Mall & Redemption Center or convert your Travel Points into spending cash by purchasing a Blaine's Travel Club® VISA Gift Card!

My First Promise is to our Designated Drivers, VIPR will not be offering shared rides! Sorry, I know that you're really disappointed.

Being a driver myself, I find that I'm like most drivers, I've grown to dislike "pool" or "shared" rides. I personally find them frustrating and there seems to be too many personalities and miles to drive for very little money, plus some riders are not considerate of the other passengers or the driver.

I truly believe that with the multiple income streams generated through the niche market that we're creating our VIPR Designated Drivers, Independent Travelers, Blaine's Travel Club® and VIPR as a whole will be financially just fine without offering shared rides!

But, if I would decide to offer shared rides of some sort, it would probably be called "VIPR Party Car", and it would only be available between 10pm and 4am seven nights a week and it would be exclusively for shuttling VIPs only between bars who are Official Blaine's Travel Club HotSpots!

My Second Promise is that VIPR Designated Drivers will never loose the opportunity of driving with us as long as manually driven vehicles exist and continue to be manufactured, because VIPR and Blaine's Travel Club® will always be dedicated to and thankful for our Designated Drivers!

As far as the future of Self-Driving Cars with VIPR, I'm not sure if we'll ever use them because the safety of our riders, dedicated drivers & pedestrians is paramount to me!

But if I do decide to add Self-Driving Cars, I already know that each car will be occupied by a Blaine's Travel Club Traveler, seated in the driver's seat, riding along for added safety, to answer any questions about VIPR, Blaine's Travel Club® and what exciting things the riders can do around town!

While transporting your Riders impressive music is very important! Radio, CDs, Tapes and allowing your riders to plug their phone into the Auxiliary port of your vehicle's sound system has been done by every other driver in the world!

To make VIPR stand out from all the other services, all VIPR Designated Drivers will have the option of installing and using our Internet Radio Station in their Snake, FREE-OF-CHARGE!

This will give their VIPR-riders the ability of requesting their favorite tunes from the comfort of the back seat, making the ride not only enjoyable but interactive, crazy fun and groovy!

Give it a listen!

Getting You & Your Vehicle
Home Safely!
A Designated Driver
In Minutes!
Opening Night! Any Night!
Arrive In Style!

Book VIPR for an hour, get
all your errands done!
For that special occasion
book a beautiful vintage car!
Book an all-electric vehicle,
be kind to mother earth!

Riders Collect 100 Travel Points Per Every $1 Spent On Every Ride! *

* Excludes taxes, fees, tolls, tips and VIPR Party Line.

Contact Us!



I'm going to launch VIPR™ ™ in my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia USA, and its surrounding areas, and with your help, will soon be expanding to other neighborhoods around the country!

I welcome participation and encouragement from anywhere in the world and with the VIPR™ Party Town Contest & Raffle!, on my Indiegogo Campaign, their System will keep track of the number of contributions/nominations and where they originate from, then I will use this information to direct me to which hometown VIPR™ should grow to next!

I currently have Digital Billboards around Atlanta introducing VIPR™ and our Indiegogo Crowd-Funding Campaign.

Today Atlanta... tomorrow The WORLD!

*Locations of our Digital Billboards



Several of our Official Blaine's Travel Club HotSpots in Atlanta, Georgia USA. have already signed up to be a Future VIPR Pick-Up Spot, and why wouldn't they, it will supply their patrons with reliable rides to and from their business, they'll receive 5% commission on every ride originating from their business address where they may keep the Commission, I can add it back into their Business Account as a VIPR Ride Credit, or I can donate their Commissions directly to the Charity of their choice!



Become an Official VIPR Pick-Up Spot†, we’ll give you a 5% Commission on every ride originating from your business address.
  • Your company may keep the 5% Commission.
  • I can add it back into your Business Account as a VIPR Ride Credit.
  • I can donate your Commissions directly to the Charity of your choice!
Print & Hang your Temporary "We're a Future VIPR Pick-Up Spot" Sign and when your company generates over $250 in rides I’ll give you a permanant, attractive 8x10 Backlit LED VIPR Wall Sign, shown above, to hang near your front door!

† Your company must be an Official Blaine's Travel Club® HotSpot.







cut between the tear-off tabs and hang it where concerned citizens will see, such as laundromats, bars, businesses, community bulletin boards, etc!


front & back, on Avery® Business Cards, Uncoated, Two-Sided Printing, 2" x 3-1/2", 250 Cards (5371), then hand them out, during Atlanta Pride Week, in Bars & Nightclubs and wherever you find lots of people!


with your social media followers, and email them to your friends and family and ask them to print this sign, cut between the tear-off tabs & hang it where concerned citizens will see it!

VIPR Website:
VIPR Tear-Tab Sign:
Indiegogo Funding Page:



If you decide to help spread the work through our VIPR Referral Program I'll create a personalized sign with your special web address, giving you credit for every visit and contribution from your referrals.

Contact us with your special link generated from our campaign page and a short name that your friends will know/remember, and I will create your personalized VIPR™ Sign.

Contact Us!






Blaine Klingaman
@ Blaine's Travel Club®
Atlanta, Georgia 30324
United States

These days everyone needs a little financial boost, so let me mentor you on how to start your own Full-time or Part-time Blaine's Travel Club Home-Based Business, Build a stronger customer base or Raise much needed funds for your favorite charity, as you pay-it-forward by showing other people how to do the same!

Our system will show you just how easy it can be Making Money & Fun!

As a Independent Traveler, I'm proud to report that with the encouragement and guidance of my mentor I have personally generated income since joining Blaine's Travel Club!

If you're ready, Join My Team! and let's get started...




 Celebrities     Advertisers 

 Seniors     The Media     Volunteers 

 Charities     Salespeople     Affiliates     Drivers 







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From the Mysterious Minds of Blaine Klingaman ™
Copyright ©1995-2025 Blaine's Travel Club®, LLC