My goal has always been to create something so awesome that it will help businesses & people all around the globe generate passive income, but have you ever worked on something really hard and for so long (15 years), and maybe added way too many things, that when you stepped back to see just what you've created, you have absolutely no idea how to describe it. Yea, me too!
So, I decided to ask Chat GPT to look over with a fresh pair of artificial eyes and analyze it for me.
Now that I've seen Chat GPT's descriptive answer, I now know that I've created just what I set out to do, and I'm so proud and psyched, that with everyone's help we can make this into the global phenomenon it was meant to be!
me: my prompt to chat gpt...
Can you help me understand, when you're in the middle of something that you've been creating for the past 15 years it's really hard to understand what exactly you're doing or what can become the outcome if it, will you read through my website "" and in your opinion what exactly am I creating, and what will be the outcome?
chat gpt: my reply to your prompt...
Blaine's Travel Club is a global lifestyle platform that transforms the way people experience travel, entertainment, and community. At its heart is their Travelcoin Membership Rewards Program, which allows members to collect Travelcoin - Digital Currency through activities, purchases from Roadside Stands, dance & costume contests, and other engagement with the platform. Travelcoin can be redeemed for products, services, or even converted into cash and placed onto a convenient Vanilla® VISA® Debit Card, making it a rewarding experience for all participants.
connecting through business members
The platform partners with a global network of Business Members, including bars, nightclubs, retail businesses and other venues that offer exclusive benefits to their members. These businesses provide discounts, free merchandise, and opportunities to earn Travelcoin, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem. VIP Travelers can easily find these Business Members using their Travel Guide and Phone App, which streamlines Travelcoin collection through QR code functionality and offers tools to enhance the travel experience.
blaine's travel club's official vip party passport
A signature offering of Blaine’s Travel Club is the Official VIP Party Passport, which allows members to party around the globe. VIP Travelers can visit participating bars, nightclubs and restaurants, get their passport stamped, and depending on how far they've traveled, receive 1-4 Free Drinks as part of this exclusive program. The VIP Party Passport is a unique and exciting way for Travelers to explore nightlife, connect with local and global cultures, and create unforgettable memories while enjoying exclusive perks.
introducing vipr: the rideshare revolution
A standout feature of Blaine’s Travel Club is VIPR, an innovative rideshare service (pronounced "Viper") integrated into the club’s ecosystem. VIPR provides riders with Travelcoin-earning opportunities from every ride, while connecting seamlessly with VIPR Venues—Business Member locations that serve as designated pickup and drop-off points. This unique approach offers convenience and 10% commissions, for both Travel Ambassadors and participating VIPR Venues, from every ride, solidifying VIPR’s position as a key component of the club’s worldwide reach.
celebrating 100 years of dance music hits
Blaine’s Travel Club VIP Travelers also enjoy access to WBTC Radio, an exclusive radio station celebrating 100 years of dance music hits, from the 1920s to the 2020s. WBTC Radio offers members a nostalgic and entertaining way to connect through music, while providing Business Members with multigenerational background music and a powerful platform to promote their business to a worldwide audience. With its rich selection of hits and unique programming, WBTC Radio enhances VIPR Rides and the club’s vibrant community experience.
coming soon: exciting new features
Blaine’s Travel Club Guesthome:
For business or pleasure, find your perfect home away from home. This upcoming feature will help travelers discover comfortable, affordable, and unique accommodations across the globe, making every trip feel like a seamless extension of their lifestyle.
Blaine’s Travel Club Global Events:
Plan your next adventure with ease. Members will soon be able to purchase tickets, with cash and/or Travelcoin, to concerts, festivals, and other major global events directly through Blaine’s Travel Club, ensuring exclusive access and rewarding experiences.
community initiatives and opportunities
Blaine’s Travel Club is more than just a digital currency; it’s a hub for community and personal growth. Unique programs include:
Senior Moments:
Social events like time machine dance parties and Senior Proms that encourage wellness, connection, and nostalgia among Baby Boomers and Seniors.
Angel's Kiss Casinos:
Volunteer-led casino events that donate proceeds to charitable causes, making a positive impact while having fun.
Fallen Angels:
A camp drag performance initiative where volunteers entertain and donate all their tips to charity, adding creativity and heart to the club’s events.
empowering members and entrepreneurs
Through Blaine’s Travel Club Affiliate Program, individuals can become Independent Travel Ambassadors, earning commissions by connecting businesses and individuals to the program. Ambassadors earn 10% on all sales generated by all business attractions they sell, creating a unique opportunity for financial growth and entrepreneurship. Additionally, members can open rent-free online stores in the Blaine’s Travel Club Roadside Stands & Travelcoin Redemption Center, expanding their business reach globally.
a vision for global connection
Blaine’s Travel Club is designed to unite people worldwide, providing opportunities for travel, entertainment, and entrepreneurship. With features like the VIP Party Passport, VIPR, WBTC Radio, and a growing network of Business Members, the platform continues to foster meaningful connections and memorable experiences.
Over the past 15 years, you’ve created a vibrant, interconnected ecosystem that goes beyond digital currency—it’s a global community where members can explore, earn, and grow while enjoying unique experiences and making a positive impact. Blaine’s Travel Club is poised to continue its journey as a world-class lifestyle platform.
welcome to the club, allow me to introduce myself!
Blaine Klingaman
@ Blaine's Travel Club® Atlanta, Georgia 30324
United States
My name's Blaine Klingaman, I'm a Travel Ambassador with Blaine's Travel Club®! As a Travel Ambassador, it is my responsibility & pleasure, to help you find whatever you need or desire in life!
Click on the name below that best describes you to view all the things that will enhance your life!
I encourage you to become an Official Blaine's Travel Club VIP Traveler, if you're looking for the best in everything from down the street, across town, or around the globe.
become well traveled!
As an Official Blaine's Travel Club VIP Member, open our Travel Guide to find where to Travel, Eat, Sleep, Shop, Party, Donate, Request a VIPR, Collect Travelcoin, Discounts & Free Stuff!
Request a ride from our very own Rideshare Service, for a ride to and from your favorite Official Blaine's Travel Club® Business Member!
listen to music & dance!
Music plays a big part in our lives, which is why we've created our very own radio station, WBTC Radio, that plays the music of your life! When you hear a song from your past, you are immediately transported back in time!
time travel is possible...
Visit Blaine's Time Travel Project, to revisit your favorite Music, Radio Programs, Retro Happy Hour, our Trivia Game, Senior Class Project, with much more to come!
If you've been thinking about starting your own work-from-home side hustle, consider becoming an
Independent Travel Ambassador + VIPR Designated Driver, (optional) where you'll not only earn money as a Travel Ambassador, but you will receive up to 5 income streams including your VIPR Designated Driver's pay! You might have to take a day off each week, just to count your money!
As a Travel Ambassador, check out our
Travel Ambassador Income Calculator, so you can see what's available to sell, and how much you can possibly make selling it! You decide how much money you wish to make, then create your own reachable yearly income goal!
As a Business Owner, if there's only one thing you do, it's register for a FREE Business Listing in my Travel Guide!
To get your listing absolutely FREE, all you have to do is promote us back, by posting an Official Blaine's Travel Club Business Member Window Sticker in your front window and placing an Official Blaine's Travel Club Business Member Web banner on your website!
business member + vipr venue
As a business owner / manager, do you want to attract new customers and create repeat business for a stronger and more loyal customer base?
I can help, simply Join My Team! as a Business Member + VIPR Venue, and I'll give you plenty of promotion through our website, our Travel Guide, our social media accounts, and our Internet Radio Station, WBTC Radio plus add any of our Business Attractions that you wish to use!
I'll post a 30 second commercial on my TikTok account for all my followers to see!
As an Exclusive VIPR Venue, we will chauffeur your customers to and from your front door, and if you hang our
Lighted LED VIPR Venue Sign / Pride Version! by your exit door(s), promoting VIPR, I'll share a 10% commission with you from every ride that originates from your business address!
travel back to the time of your life!
Info coming soon!
multigenerational mood music!
As a Business Member, are you ready to transform your space with the magic of music? Introducing "WBTC Radio" – your ultimate destination for premium background music!
Whether you're running an trendy retail store, a cozy restaurant, a bar offering Happy Hour Time Machinr, or an industrial workplace, we have the music to keep your customers engaged and your employees motivated.
Dive into our extensive library featuring over 100 years of classic dance hits, and other historic memories! Start Your Subscription Today!
membership rewards
As a Business Member, I can help you create your own personalized Travelcoin Membership Rewards Program, to attract customers and keep them coming back for more, and/or you may use any of our Travelcoin driven Business Attractions, that will entertain your guests while generating donations for your favorite non-profit organization!
promotional merchandise
Have you ever wanted to have your own Promotional Merchandise, Shirts, Hats, Coffee Cups, etc.? As an Official Business Member, you can get them at a discounted price through Blaine's Branding.
Nominate your neighborhood to be the next VIPR Village! The postal code area with the most popular Votes and with at least 10 VIPR Venues (pickup and drop-off locations) signed, will launch next!
The money raised from the VIPR Venue voting process and the money generated from the "Happy Hour Time Machine, will both finance the VIPR launch.
Next, become an affiliate (Travel Ambassador), and you can help accelerate bringing VIPR to your neighborhood. Simply sign up VIPR Venues, and I will share a 10% Commission with you (for life!) from every ride that originates from the front door of each VIPR Venue!
As a Travel Ambassador, you're creating new riders with each VIPR Venue signed, so why not register to become a VIPR Driver (optional), and earn additional income from these riders.
request a designated driver!
Request a ride from our very own Rideshare Service, for a ride to and from your favorite Official Blaine's Travel Club® Business Member!
I'm always available to answer any questions about any of the Business Attractions listed above, just ask!
When you're ready, let me know how I may help, and I hope that you have an Outrageously Good Time as a member of Blaine's Travel Club, and as always, Please Drink Responsibly, and if not, request a VIPR.
If you have any questions, (1) first check the below, if you can't find the answer there, (2) click on the and ask it there, or (3) ask me via my email address on the left.
Blaine's Travel Club is thrilled to announce a global search for LGBTQ+ Ally Dance Studios, to partner with us, to teach our exciting multigenerational WBTC Radio's Masterclass: One Hundred Years of Dance, to our VIP Members!
The 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organizations listed below have agreed to become an Official Blaine's Travel Club Charity Partner. I have vetted each one to make sure that they have been legally authorized as a non-profit organization through the U.S. Internal Revenue Service!
This list will help our Official Blaine's Travel Club Business Partners find the perfect Charity that they can help by investing in their community!
Self-preservation, I didn't want to become a homeless old man!
Many years ago the United States Government announced that it's very possible that in the future we may not receive our Social Security Checks anymore, or if we do, they will not be the full amount. (If you're not aware, they took our SSI money without asking, and used it to pay for war, basically stealing our money from us!)
Why this scared me so! For the first 12-15 years of my young adult life I was working in a tipped environment, I bartended and waited tables, and to this day I do not have any 401ks or money in the bank. In the past I've always made sure that I enjoyed the job I took, over how much money I made while doing it. I still live by this, but I probably should have suffered like everyone else and I wouldn't have to worry so much about living without Social Security.
So, to prepare if this should come true, I decided that I had to take the situation into my own hands and create a way to make money, consistently for the rest of my life, no matter how old I got or incapable I became.
I thought about this long & hard, and I decided that if I could take my original game "Sexhibition, An Outrageous Flirtation Game" that I created back in 1995, shake the dust off of it, turn it into a franchise, sell it online, and help the franchisees around the globe start their own business while performing "Sexhibition" in just about every bar in the world, money could easily be made!
It didn't take me long to realize that everything that I was creating to generate money for myself, could seriously help other people in the same boat! With the development of Franchise sales, it wasn't long before I added Multi-Level Marketing to my company! . . .
Blaine's Travel Club® is a unique Network Marketing Company, that develops & offers a full-service Business Building System to help Nightclubs, Bars, Retail Businesses, and 501(c)(3) Charitable Organizations Worldwide attract New Customers and Generate Repeat Business for a stronger & more loyal customer base!
As an Official Business Partner of Blaine's Travel Club®...
You will receive a Business Listing that can be accessed through our Phone App and Website, plus tons of cross-promotion!
Dear Hairy Drag Queen, If you seriously want to do Drag, and you enjoy entertaining people, while raising money for charitable organizations, I suggest that you become a Fallen Angel.
Decorating your facial hair with glitter, sequins or whatever you choose will become part of your look and drag persona, heck you don't even have to tuck if you don't want to, remember you'll be entertaining for a good cause!