Sexhibition, An Outrageous Flirtation Game • Circa 1995




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Sexhibition, An Outrageous Flirtation Game was the first game I created in 1995, long before Texting!

Sexhibition entertains Hot Sexy People with The Sexiest VIP Contest, The Red & White Drinking Games along with messaging, flirting, joking, ego-fluffing, hooking-up and on-screen slide shows; all in one outrageous show that will bring you back week after week.

If you're voted one of the three Sexiest People of the night, you'll Win a Bar Tab, good during the next show, and valuable Travel Points, redeemable for any of the thousands of quality products found in our Travel Points Gift Mall & Redemption Center.

The reason Sexhibition is such an amazing crowd pleaser is that it's outrageously fun, interactive, unpredictable and ego-driven! Sexhibition will give you a feel of what it was like to flirt & cruise back in the old days, long before electronic hand-held devices and the likes of eHarmony and Grindr!

As you enter the Blaine's Travel Club Hot Spot, you'll immediately want to visit the Message Center and choose the Free Initials of your choice, from AA to ZZ. The Sexhibition Host will then attach your initials to your shirt, give you a pencil, some message slips and a "Sexiest VIP Contest Ballot".

During the night when you see someone that they want to send a message to, simply write the Recipient's initials in the TO space... write the message... and put your initials in the FROM space.

Next, bring your completed message slip to the Message Center and place it in the "In Box". The message will then be typed into the computer and it will appear on all the Monitors throughout the Bar, for all to see! The process is repeated if the recipient wishes to reply. Rinse & Repeat!

During the game you may vote for up to Five (5) of the Sexiest People for the Sexiest VIP Contest! Simply write their initials on the Sexiest VIP Contest Ballot and turn in at the end of the night for tabulation.

It's a no-brainer that people go where the HOT people party and Sexhibition draws attractive sexy people like a magnet and features one of the most erotic crowd pleasers, the Sexiest VIP Contest! Everyone loves to be complimented and flirted with during Sexhibition but are ecstatic when the crowd votes them one of the Sexiest VIPs of the night!

Near the end of the night all the Sexiest VIP Contest Ballots will be collected and tabulated. Sexiest VIP Admirer Cards will be handed out listing your admirers. The Winners will be announced during the last half hour of the show.

The Sexiest VIP Contest Winners Win Travel Points and a Bar Tab! Winners must be present to win and must come back the following week to claim their prizes!

Travel Points are redeemable for any of the thousands of quality products found in our Travel Points Gift Mall & Redemption. *The Bar Tab will be determined by the Hot Spot.

The dollar value of one Travel Point is one-tenth of one cent. If you do not have enough Travel Points, you may pay the balance with an Online Cash Payment. We reserve the right to change Prices/Travel Point Values and add or delete products whenever necessary at our sole discretion.


Below you may give Sexhibition a Test Drive on our beautiful 27" iMac from Apple Computer! This is an actual working gameboard that you will see on your computer and the Guests will see on the TV Monitors throughout the Nightclub or Bar! To see how our system delivers a message, simply Type initials [AA - ZZ] and a message in the gray text fields and then click "Post".



Next, click on the various colored buttons and see where it takes you! Start the game off with the introductory Green Buttons, then navigate through the Sexiest VIP Contest with the Pink Buttons. Excite and intoxicate the crowd with the Red & White Drinking Game Buttons. Show your community spirit by raising money for your adopted charity with the Outrageous Lime Green Charity Challenge Buttons. Throughout the night you may promote your bar with the Black and Orange Buttons and finish off the night with the Purple Last Call & Hotel/Motel Time Buttons.

  • Guests usually start arriving 45 minutes to an hour before showtime to make sure they get "their" same initials each week.
  • The Most popular intials:
  • Average number of messages sent during a 5 hour show: 950 - 1,225
  • Most liked Sexyism: To BJ, You have beautiful legs, they would look great on my shoulders! From BK.
  • Back in 1995, during our original show, we always had these 3 guys that would come into the Bar and stand next to each other wearing their initials:
     ,   and 
  • Guests stay until the very end of Sexhibition to see if they won the Sexiest VIP Contest and to find out who their admirers are.
  • Since I invented Sexhibition back in 1995, I have also become known as the inventor of "Texting"! (Al Gore can't be the only one blowing smoke!)

"After searching many days, I never found a product like Sexhibition."

"It is a really cool way to meet people..."

" much fun for our customers! It has really helped our sales!"
Mary Marsh, Burkhart's Pub, Atlanta, GA USA

If you find a great article or review about Sexhibition, that you think should be listed here, let us know!

If your bar would like to attract new customers & generate repeat business for stronger and more loyal customer base, consider booking Sexhibition once a week, or Make Money & Fun by owning a Franchise!

Area Franchisee
Atlanta, GA Blaine Klingaman



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From the Mysterious Minds of Blaine Klingaman ™
Copyright ©1995-2025 Blaine's Travel Club®, LLC